Spalding Spelling Lesson (SSL)

Learn more about Spalding’s unique approach to spelling instruction.

The core of the method is having children understand the alphabetic principle, that alphabet letters and letter combinations represent speech sounds.

Phonemic Awareness

Initially students learn Phonemic Awareness because it is one of the best indicators of reading success.

Phonemic Awareness Dialogue

Phonogram Introduction with Handwriting

The annual introduction to phonograms with handwriting is the simplest and most direct way to connect English sounds to written symbols through a multi-sensory strategy. Students can now connect the phoneme (sound) to the grapheme (symbol).

Phonogram Introduction Strategies

Oral Phonogram Review

The daily oral practice of phonograms helps students to read words accurately and fluently. This review also enables them to sound out unfamiliar words.

Sample Knowledge and Application Questions

Written Phonogram Review

The daily written review of phonograms enables students to practice spelling phonograms and focus on legible handwriting.

Spalding Vertical 5/8 Paper

Spelling Dictation

Students learn to apply phonograms and English language rules in order to recognize, spell, and pronounce words correctly. This weekly analysis is unique to Spalding.

Students pronounce and spell words because of Spalding’s unique marking system. Students practice and master word recognition during SD.

Spelling Dictation Procedures

Word Analysis

Analyzing high-frequency words for spelling, English language rules, syllabication, and pronunciation develops world structure knowledge. Students are required to articulate their thinking to facilitate retention and understanding.

Silent Final E Activity

Sentence Construction

Students develop their vocabulary and language comprehension by learning how to construct sentences that are focused on word usage and meaning.

Sentence Construction Model Lesson Template