Spalding combines an educational philosophy with a methodology consisting of time-tested principles of learning and instruction that are applied across the curricula.


Increase attention and motivation by explaining, modeling, and describing the purpose of each new task and demonstrating how students will use these new procedures, concepts, or skills.
teacher showing cards to students
children raising their hands in a classroom


Continually engage with students in dialogues and activities to ensure that everyone participates. Ask questions that test their knowledge, understanding, and ability to use higher-level thinking (e.g., applying, reasoning, analyzing, and evaluating).

Guide and prompt as students attempt each task, continue to provide support as needed, and withdraw assistance when students can perform independently.


Observe each student’s progress and adjust to meet their individual needs. Daily diagnosing by asking higher-level questions helps recognize the students’ understanding level. Identify children who need extra help in small groups and those who will need a challenge.

teacher reviewing the work of a boy in her class
close up of teacher writing on the whiteboard


Divide each task into parts, teach them sequentially from the most simple to the most complex, explain each step, and build on the previous lessons across all grade levels.


Students see, hear, say, and write using all four sensory channels of the brain to reduce the amount of practice required and to prevent and overcome difficulties. The stronger sensory channels reinforce the weaker. Children with severe language complications like dyslexia can also benefit from THE SPALDING METHOD® because of its multi-sensory nature.
children seated at their desks sounding out words in class
kids studying in the classroom


Reinforce the connection between speaking, writing, and reading. Analyze with your students the pronunciation and spelling rules of high-frequency words, so they can better comprehend the structure of the language. Students learn to apply their new language arts skills in other subjects enabling them to become critical thinkers and lifelong learners.

THE SPALDING METHOD® Philosophy & Methodology


  • Phonemic Awareness
  • Systematic Phonics
  • High-Frequency Vocabulary


  • Literacy Appreciation
  • Systematic Text Structures
  • Mental Actions


  • High-Frequency Vocabulary
  • Sentence Construction
  • Compositions
three girls reading a book together

Research Domains

  • Principles of Reading Process
  • Principles of Reading Development
  • Principles of Skill Learning
  • Principles of Effective Instruction